クチコミ - みやじまの宿 岩惣 (Iwaso Ryokan) @ Hiroshima

Hiroshimaのみやじまの宿 岩惣 (Iwaso Ryokan) 実際の宿泊者が投稿したホテルのクチコミ. 客室 地図 料金 施設・設備 連絡先.




  • スパ
  • レストラン


  • 日本語


  • Wi-Fi(共有エリア内)
  • 全室Wi-Fi無料


  • カラオケ
  • ジェットバス
  • マッサージ
  • ガーデン
  • スパ


  • 1メートル以上の対人距離の確保
  • 救急箱
  • 従業員による顔面保護具の着用
  • マスク無料配布
  • 共用エリアでの仕切りシート
  • 体温計
  • 安全な食事環境
  • 殺菌装置
  • 毎日客室の消毒を実施
  • 安全対策・手順を熟知した従業員
  • 手指消毒ハンドジェル
  • 毎日消毒を実施


  • 温泉


  • コーヒーショップ
  • ルームサービス
  • 自動販売機
  • バー
  • レストラン


  • ショップ
  • 館内ショップ
  • 全館禁煙
  • セーフティボックス(フロント)
  • 喫煙所
  • 荷物預かりサービス
  • 清掃(毎日)


  • ファミリールーム


  • 24時間フロント対応
  • ペット可
  • エレベーター
  • 車椅子OK


  • シャトルサービス
  • 駐車場(敷地内)
  • 駐車場(無料)


  • エアコン
  • 飲料水ボトル(無料)
  • 暖房
  • トイレタリー
  • 冷蔵庫
  • バスローブ
  • 個別エアコン
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • 書斎デスク




正直ホテルは何も悪くないんですが、割引前のアゴダでの提示料金が結構お高かったので、勝手に「すごく広い、何部屋もあるようなお部屋なんだ」と思ってましたので、そこだけ「期待通りだったか?」という点で星一つ減らしましたが、全体的にすごく良かったです。 立地 厳島神社から坂道を上がってすぐ、という好立地です。しかも目の前には川が流れていて朱塗りの橋が架かっていて、島の中心部に近いとは思えないくらいの静かさでした。ご連絡すれば船着場まで車で迎えにきてくださるそうです(私達は歩きました) サービス とてもきめ細やかにサービスして下さったと感じています。チェックイン前にホテルにたどり着いてしまったのですが、カバンを預かってくださり、かつお部屋まで事前に運んでおいてくださいました。また、宿泊後にもカバンを岩惣さんに預けて宮島探索をしたのですが、観光を終えてから岩惣さんにご連絡すれば、船着場までカバンを持ってきてくださいました。ほぼ手ぶらで観光できたのはありがたかったです。 お食事 純和風な夕食です。とても美味しかったです!特にやはり海の幸が美味しかったと思います。お刺身、お寿司の他にも牡蠣やお肉、色々楽しめました。私達の場合は宿泊しているお部屋ではなく、別の個室で2人だけでお夕食をいただきました。中居さんがとても良い方で、色々と気遣ってくださいました。 朝食は和食のお膳、プラス欲しければ洋・和食をビュッフェスタイルで追加で取りに行けます。私達は(2人だったからかと思いますが)緑が見える窓側に並んで座る形のお席でした。朝食もとても美味しかったです。 お部屋 純和室です。入って正面が森?で、木が繁っているのが一面に見える、大きな窓がありました。窓を開けたら小川が流れる音が聞こえました。とても穏やかになれる、いいお部屋でした。 全て良かったと思います!夜の厳島神社もすぐに行ける位置にありますし、ホテルの正面は公園なので、鹿もたくさん遊びに来ますし、和風な感じを満喫できます。温泉もありましたよ。 さらに表示
宮島に行きたいという両親を連れての旅行でこちらに伺いました。どのような所か下調べをする事なく伺ったので到着したときあまりに素敵なただ住まいにおどろいてしまいました。著名な方も数多く訪れた事があると知り両親もびっくりしていました。細部に渡りあたたかな心遣いが感じられました。使われている食器は素晴らしく陶器が好きな母は感激していました。難を言えば料理が「普通」演出はいいのだけれど…というところでしょうか。でも客室係の方もとても感じの良い方で食事の合間に話が弾み 桟橋までの送迎も敏速に対応してくださり…等々 とても気持ちよく過ごせることができました。宮島を訪れる際はまた是非利用したいと思っています。 さらに表示
ゆったりとした時間を過ごせました。到着日はあいにくの雨天でしたが、旅館の方が車で迎えに来てくださったので濡れずに済みました。お部屋は広くて清潔感があり、床の間のお正月飾りも立派で雰囲気が良かったです。部屋は海側ではありませんでしたが、紅葉谷公園に面していて、朝日が弥山から昇る景色は神々しかったです。お部屋で出して頂いた夕食もレストランで頂いた朝食もとても美味しかったです。ただ、旅館の常で量は非常に多かった。温泉は派手さはなくともゆっくりとくつろいで入れました。宿泊代金は決して安くはないですが、お料理やサービス、豊かな時間を過ごせた事を思えば値打ちがあったと思います。 さらに表示
遅くチェックインにも関わらず食事の対応が早く、チェックアウト後も荷物を預かって頂き、快適な島内観光が出来ました。その後、荷物を船着き場まで持ってきてもらって大変助かりました。 さらに表示
Great place to stay on Miyajima. Recommend staying overnight on Miyajima rather than just doing the daytrip from Hiroshima. Outdoor onsen was beautiful - even caught sight of deers on the woods while soaking in there. Traditional rooms. Dinner was served in the restaurant. Breakfast had Japanese and Western food. さらに表示
I would recommend this ryokan to every guests who visit Miyajima as services are superb! Both breakfast and dinner are tasty and sumptuous with seasonal ingredients. The onsen is great too with long opening hours. さらに表示
Said children stayed free on agoda. Upon checkout charged an extra 2160 jpy as "children services" for our 2 year old who shared our bedding... Its not a lot of money, but the principle behind it. Don't say they're free if they're not. さらに表示
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay at IWASO and felt that we were treated fantastically. The food was excellent and room lovely. The only downside was that the ryokan had a slightly more hotel feel than others we have stayed in, but it was nonetheless very enjoyable. さらに表示
Iwaso is a lovely place - very traditional but catering to westerners. The rooms are very clean and the surroundings are lovely. That being said, our room showed signs of wear with scrapes on the wall. The onsen facilities are nice but very small - cramped if more than four people want to enjoy the outdoor one (lovely though - overlooking a small stream). The meals were acceptable but a little too western and not particularly special. We also felt rushed through our meal - perhaps because we had requested a later meal so we could put our baby to sleep (the staff showed up 20 minutes before we had asked waking up the baby and couldn't seem to understand that we needed darkness and quiet to put him to sleep). Once the meal service started they seemed to rush delivery to catch us up to others on the floor. All in all, it was a nice place to stay, but I have stayed in nicer ryokans and have certainly had better food and service. I would recommend looking elsewhere on Miyajima. さらに表示
I first stayed at Iwaso Inn in 2009 with my 2 teenage children and the stay was so memorable I chose it again when visiting a week ago with my siblings and sister in law on their first trip to Japan. The food is really delicious (make sure you are hungry! So much food!) and they happily catered to some particular dietary requirements of some of our party. They even left a snack in our room in case we were still hungry later in the evening. The onsens are lovely - especially the outside one. The staff were friendly and very helpful. The location is great too. We arrived early in the morning (check in is 2pm) but they still picked us up from the ferry and stored our bags while we went up Mt Misen (to beat the crowds). They also dropped us back the next morning for our early ferry back to the mainland. Yes there is cheaper accommodation on Miyajima, but I chose Iwaso as an experience rather than just a room for the night. Thank you Iwaso Inn. さらに表示
Miyajima is gorgeous, and Iwaso is the perfect place to stay! The food is incredible and the staff was super friendly! It has a very 'home-like' feel to it, and the ryokan will often surprise you with little details about the island. I recommend the boat ride around the island that the hotel offers! It's only a few yen extra, but the experience is worth it. We look forward to staying there again! さらに表示
Great place to spend a peaceful, relaxing vacation. Nice onsen. We had a really wonderful stay. さらに表示
+ Just a few steps from tori. - If you want to experience a Kasey diner don’t do it in iwaso... lack of quality, hot dishes were cold and service far to speed... everything was done in 40 minutes! Sad さらに表示
Handy location near the ropeway entrance (they offer pick up from ferry terminal ~15 mins walk). Dinner served in the room was incredible over multiple courses. Breakfast was in restaurant with Japanese dishes and Western buffet. Staff we dealt with all spoke great English so were really easy to interact with. さらに表示
Wonderful time here. Staff so attentive and food and service absolutely excellent. Also a perfectly peaceful and relaxing stay on a beautiful island after the day trippers have left . Highly recommended さらに表示
Both old Japanese room and new-wing Japanese room are good, we were ok with either one of them. But the hotel should have communicated to the guests in advance when they changed the guests’ booking, this is the only thing to improve. さらに表示
If you want a traditional Japanese experience - go here. Beautiful place, great baths. The big disappointment was the dinner - completely tasteless. If the dinner was as good as the menu sounded, this place would be excellent value for money. Sadly, it didn’t meet all expectations. さらに表示
Memorable and enjoyable, I would certainly recommend. It’s a traditional Japanese experience that was one of the highlights from our trip (especially the dinner). It is a little dated but that just adds to its charm. The staff were wonderful. Our only complaint was the breakfast (we seemed to have chosen the later breakfast sitting at 8:30am) and some items were no longer available. They did their best overcome this, but it wasn’t cheap to stay here so this needs to be improved. Try a late-night visit to the Onsen where you can get the outdoor pool to yourself. Thank you IWASO for a wonderful stay. さらに表示
Included traditional Japanese dinner with 5 or so courses. Green tea in room on arrival. beautiful view from windows. Excellent service by room maid who serviced our meal and tea. Breakfast included in dining room, choice of Japanese or Western. I had left my passport at our previous hotel and reception called them for me and arranged for it to be sent to one of our future hotels. Staff speak very good English. Highly recommend trip on ropeway and climbing Mount Misan. Although take a walking stick, because its steep and lots of steps, but worth it. さらに表示
Overall it was good. A few things I would of liked different to be different were; - Built a rapoir with the friendly worker who served us dinner the first night and then was served by a differnet girl the second night, when the original girl was still present/ working. - Consulted on what time we would like our room serviced during breakfast, chose midday. Returned to our room after breakfast and it had already been serviced, so I felt this was lip service. - Took advantage of the extras offer to have alcohol with dinner, however was charged for 4 bottles instead of 2. さらに表示



  • チェックイン開始時間: 15:00
  • チェックアウト最終時間: 10:00
  • フロント受付終了時間: 22:00


  • ホテルの階数: 5
  • 客室数: 38
  • 客室の電圧 (ボルト数): 100
  • 建築年: 1854
  • 改築年: 1981


廿日市市宮島町もみじ谷, 宮島, 広島, 日本, 739-0522