クチコミ - 京都 ゲスト ハウス 忍者 (Kyoto Guest House Ninja) @ Kyoto

Kyotoの京都 ゲスト ハウス 忍者 (Kyoto Guest House Ninja) 実際の宿泊者が投稿したホテルのクチコミ. 客室 地図 料金 施設・設備 連絡先.




  • 日本語
  • 英語


  • エレベーター


  • Wi-Fi(共有エリア内)
  • ポケットWi-Fiレンタル
  • 全室Wi-Fi無料


  • キッチン
  • 自動販売機


  • コインランドリー
  • ランドリーサービス
  • 清掃(毎日)
  • ペット可
  • 喫煙所


  • 自転車レンタル


  • エアコン
  • リネン類
  • 電子レンジ
  • シャワー
  • ワークスペース(ノートパソコン使用可)
  • 薄型TV
  • スリッパ
  • ワイヤレス インターネット
  • 無料Wi-Fi
  • ソファ
  • 飲料水ボトル(無料)
  • 無料インスタントコーヒー
  • タオル
  • 無料ティーバッグ
  • トイレタリー
  • 禁煙
  • 洋服掛け
  • バスタブ
  • 高層階
  • 冷蔵庫
  • ビデオゲーム
  • 遮光カーテン
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • 暖房




急遽京都に行こうと思い検索したら平日だったせいか破格の安さ、且つ、立地は平安神宮の近くでバス停も近く移動には良い。 マイナス面としては5階のドミトリーに上がるのにエレベーターが無いのと、シャワールームとトイレが近く同時利用するのが困難だった。 さらに表示
私がここに泊まったのは目的地が単に近かっただけで、観光をするのに特別いいロケーションにあるわけではないと思う。 セルフチェックイン、チェックアウトで常時スタッフ不在なので、スタッフに対しての星は一つ。 宿の詳細のとこに書いときましょうよ。 トイレがオシッコ臭いくらいで、なにか特別良い悪いというのは無いが、気になることは少しづつ積み重なってしまうのが人間。 女性は泊まらせる気がないのかなと思う設備。(具体的にはトイレにゴミ箱がない) 今の時代にコンセントの不便さ。 夜中1時頃まで大声で喋る人。(張り紙くらいしてください) 出入り口に鍵はない。(室内のロッカーのみ) 人数に対してのトイレの不便さ。(誰かがシャワーを浴びてると入れない。) そういえば、電子レンジ無かったけど。 スタッフがいればまだ対応も出来るし、サービスの上乗せも出来るはずなのに、それもない。 いい評価を貰うつもりはないのかな。 いろんなゲストハウスやバックパッカーに泊まって来ましたが、他にもゲストハウスが沢山ある京都市内で、このレベルでこの料金は無いと思いました。 たぶん、二度と使わない。 さらに表示
Just some warnings: this location is ideal for a group looking to keep it cheap. It says 8 people, but that’s a squeeze. I would recommend 6. Actual facility is different than the pictures (no bunk beds). The bathroom door knob broke off while we were there, the staff forgot to give us the door code before we arrived. But they were very responsive, the place has a great view, and it’s ideally located for anything at the convention center. You can’t beat the price, and if you’re not looking for anything nice, this is the spot for you. さらに表示
It was interesting experience with self check-in. It is very comfortable if need a late check-in. The hostel is situated near the bus stop. It is quite clean and isn't very noisy despite of most guest are very young and active. さらに表示
I love it, great experience for me, many won't like it, very difficult to find... I love life, I love Japan, I love rich experiences, Challenge, and roughing it, I am an individual, most are not like me, for me this is a great place, it has the essentials which are pretty much all I need really, but most people are picky, complain a lot, and let stupid small stuff destroy their experiences, but I'm not most people lol I think most people would find this place small, dirty, and limited, not to mention cold, but I love winter, I'm Canadian LOL, it was somewhat cheap, and it looked good in the pictures, so I booked it, I didn't know how far it was from downtown when I booked it, again I love it, great experience for me, but many if not most won't like it, very difficult to find, it took me about an hour to find, even when I did get to this area of the city, because there's no sign on the outside on the street, you have to go into a little walkway and then there is a small sign behind a vending machine on the wall that leads up the stairs, there is no attendant, you sign yourself in and out, which some people wouldn't like, it doesn't bother me at all but again I'm an enigma lol, also again this doesn't bother me but the pictures are very different than what it actually looks like here, none of the light bulbs work, and the pictures are misleading, but again I'm cool with it, the beds on the other hand are extremely comfortable, which is definitely a positive thing, also for the entire time I was here I was the only person in my dorm room with there being nine other empty beds, I don't know if that's because of the reputation of the place, if there is one, or because of the timing of my visit, but either way I wanted to mention that, which again I actually didn't mind because it's great to bring girls here, I just wanted to give a somewhat accurate description of what most people might think of it, although again I had a great time, but I'm a soldier, and soldiers don't さらに表示
Pros- good self service check in Daily house keeping Cost per night Cons- difficult to find at first One toilet/shower to share for 8 さらに表示
The hostel is lovely. It is well located and well mainted with great amenities. The only downside was that breakfast was not included and I never saw the staff except the one time to check me in (but they encourage a self check in system). Be sure to check out the bakery next door! さらに表示
Good for travelers who just need somewhere to put their stuff and sleep for a night or two. Pros: super cheap, has all amenities you would need, easy check in/check out, easy access to public transport Cons: toilet was smelly, no elevator (beware if you have suitcases), common area was small/not terribly conducive to meeting other travelers, bunk bed gave me a back ache. All in all, you get what you pay for. さらに表示
整體滿乾淨的,唯一的缺點是沒有電梯,要自己扛行李走到五樓! 雖然空間比較小,但還算是乾淨,但扛行李到五樓真的很累! This hostel is clear. BUT,there is no escalator! So you have to take your luggage to the 5th floor. You have to know this. Taking big luggage to 5th floor is really tired! さらに表示
가성비 최고. 스탭이 오후에만 있어요. 5일묶었는데, 한번도 못 봣음. 그래서인지 더 편하더라구요. 개인적으로. 청결하고, 개인적으로 괜찮았습니다. さらに表示
다소 낡은 빌딩을 개조하여 게스트하우스로 활용하는 곳이라, 가파른 계단을 올라가야 하는 불편함이 있다. (엘리베이터 없음.) 화장실과 샤워실 이용이 불편하고 비위생적이다. さらに表示
厕所有异味,在厅中也能闻到。我们有六个人,却只有五双拖鞋,有一人被迫赤脚走在冰冷的地上。暖气不太好,开了半夜还是很冷。不少家具还有灰层,没有打扫干净。棉被有异味污迹,而且也是布满灰层。地点很方便,附近也有超商和便利店,但若有老人同行,慎入。因为住宿在六楼,脚力不好的,千万不要来住。 重点是第一天抵达时,我们屋的钥匙被别人取走了。那边的员工说钥匙明早才归还,门不上锁也没关系,所以我们出门的时候是没有上锁的,结果晚上却害得我们有家归不得。因为此行有几名老人同行,他们提早回来住宿时,发现门被上锁了,装钥匙的盒子也出现故障,无法取出钥匙。结果他们白白在门外等了3个小时,一直等到我们回来,才联络员工把门打开。员工一直向我们道歉,但有什么用呢,又没有赔偿,老人们又累又尿急,人生地不熟,又不会讲日语,也没有Wi-Fi联络我们,她们原本就是打算早点回家休息的,结果一直到晚上10点多才进去。 さらに表示



  • チェックイン開始時間: 14:00
  • チェックイン最終時間: 20:00
  • チェックアウト開始時間: 11:00
  • チェックアウト最終時間: 11:00
  • フロント受付終了時間: 20:00


  • 市街地までの距離: 1.24 miles


  • インターネット/Wi-Fi 料金(1日): 0 JPY


  • 禁煙室/禁煙フロアの有無: Yes
  • バー/ラウンジの数: 0
  • ホテルの階数: 4
  • レストランの数: 0
  • 客室数: 10
  • 客室の電圧 (ボルト数): 100


岡崎徳成町27-15 いづみビル, 祇園, 京都, 日本, 606 8351